Project Emerald: Successful and Timely Completion of Works on Bridge K869

18 August 2023 - Flanders is characterized by its bridges and viaducts that interconnect the cities and their surroundings. During every journey through Antwerp, Brussels, or Ghent, you inevitably encounter these striking structures. The Port of Antwerp boasts its own masterpiece: our very own "Bridge of K869." In the context of Project Emerald, the comprehensive renewal of the Europe Terminal, the bridge has recently undergone several noteworthy changes. Both the truck flow, the transport of empty containers, and security have been adjusted.

To realize the 'bridge cut,' adjustments were made to the terminal's access. The truck flow was redirected through public roads, nightly truck openings were temporarily suspended, and the handling of empty containers was modified. Over four intense days, from Friday, August 11th, 8:00 PM, to Wednesday, August 16th, 5:00 AM, relentless efforts were exerted to complete the civil works. It was a genuine challenge, but through the dedication and teamwork of our committed employees, we were able to provide Stadsbader, our contractor, with all the necessary space to carry out these tasks.

What is the purpose of all these endeavors? At our container terminals, it is of paramount importance to optimize every available square meter. As part of Project Emerald, this translates into creating as much space as possible for Automated Stacking Cranes (ASCs). Therefore, a modest yet targeted expansion was decided for the Europe Terminal (K869), situated between the truck bridge and the waterway leading to the lock. By shifting the truck flow after the bridge over Scheldt Avenue towards the lock, we can move the truck roadways closer to the terminal's edge, thus generating additional yard space. This signifies a significant milestone for Project Emerald and a revamped infrastructure that readies the Europe Terminal for the future.