Do you have a question about CALISTA P!NG+ ? Here you will find the frequently asked questions and answers.

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General & Security

How can I contact PSA Antwerp about CALISTA P!NG+?

For any questions or feedback, please contact our CALISTA P!NG+ service desk by sending an email to PSAA-CALISTAPing [at] globalpsa.com.

Do I need an account?

Yes, in order to access the CALIST P!NG+ functionality you require a personal login and password. This can be requested by completing the onboarding form.

Can I still use the PSA Antwerp e-Portal Search container functionality?

Yes, this function will remain available for now but clearly CALISTA P!NG+ has multiple advantages compared to the e-Portal Search container functionality.

How does PSA Antwerp ensure that my data is stored safely?

All data is stored in line with the GDPR guidelines and the exchange of information is according to the latest security standards to make sure that your data is protected.

How is my personal information handled?

The personal information provided in the onboarding form is solely used for internal purposes and to create the required login credentials.


How do I obtain a CALISTA P!NG+ account?

You can request for a CALISTA P!NG+ account by completing the registration form on the CALISTA P!NG+ landing page.

How soon after registration can the portal be used?

Given the data sharing rules applicable, we will first create an credentials that allow you to retrieve data out of the system. Subsequently, your login request will be forwarded to the CALISTA platform helpdesk team. They will create the necessary username and password. The username will be your personal company linked mail address. No generic mail addresses (e.g. @google.com, @outlook.com, @yahoo.com, etc.) will be accepted.

What to do after having received the login and password?

After having received your login and password you can login onto the production environment of the CALISTA platform. For security reasons, we ask you to change your password after the first login.

Where can I change/reset my password?

Your password for the CALISTA platform can be changed by left-mouse clicking on your username in the top right corner of your screen. A dropdown list will appear whereby under ‘Other Service’ the ‘Change Password’ option can be selected. To change the password, please complete the change password form taking the password conditions into account.

What if I forget my password?

On the login page, you can retrieve your password via the ‘Forgot your password?’ link. After registering your username (this is the company email address you registered with), you will receive a password reset link. By completing the follow-up steps you will be able to re-access the CALISTA platform.

How do I register new users?

New users need to be announced via an update of the CALISTA P!NG+ onboarding form to be sent by mail to PSAA-CALISTAPing [at] globalpsa.com.

How can I revoke the access of existing user(s)?

To revoke the access of existing users, this needs to be announced by mail and to be addressed to PSAA-CALISTAPing [at] globalpsa.com.

CALISTA P!NG+ dashboard

When is the information refreshed in the P!NG+ dashboard?

The P!NG+ dashboard has some automatic refresh triggers. After an upload of information, the data in the dashboard will automatically be refreshed. In all other cases, when you want to retrieve the latest information about your uploaded container(s), you need to trigger the ‘Refresh’ button at the bottom of the dashboard screen. Please note the refresh button can only be triggered manually every 5 minutes. The dashboard also indicates when the last refresh took place, as well as how many records are in the dashboard.

Can I change the dashboard view?

Yes, the dashboard view can be adjusted to your personal needs and/or preferences. By right clicking the column headers, you can re-arrange columns, sort data, auto-fit columns, hide columns, filter, etc. When you want to make this view permanent, you save these settings by clicking the save ‘Table preference’ button (top right corner).

How do I add one or multiple containers?

Both options are possible. You can upload a single import container via the ‘Add record (Next mode)’ functionality. The input window will appear and indicates the mandatory and optional fields to complete before uploading. Next to the one-by-one container upload, a multiple container upload via an Excel template is also available via the ‘Upload Record (Next mode)’ functionality.

How does the multiple Upload function work?

After having clicked the ‘Upload record (next mode)’ functionality, a window will appear giving you an overview of the uploaded files, as well as the possibility to upload new lists. The upload is only possible via a standard template which can be downloaded in this window by clicking the ‘Template’ button. After having completed and saved the template, the upload will start by selecting the file to upload. When the file is selected, the upload can be triggered by clicking the ‘Upload’ button. The selected upload file will appear in the uploaded file overview with the status ‘Processing’. When the upload is correctly performed, the upload status will change to ‘Completed’. In case an upload error occurred, this will be indicated with the ‘Failed’ status (in the response column by clicking on the view icon, you will find feedback about the error).

How can I clean-up the dashboard?

Records can be cleaned from the dashboard by deleting them but also by archiving the less relevant container visits.

How can I remove (a) container(s) from my dashboard?

Uploaded containers can be removed from the CALISTA P!NG+ dashboard by clicking the left-mouse button when panning over the exclamation mark in the column ‘Action’ and consequently select ‘Delete’. After confirming the delete instruction, the records will be deleted from the dashboard. This single delete instruction can also be triggered by ticking the records you intend to delete and consequently click the ‘Archive/Delete Selected Records’ button. After confirmation, the records will be removed from the dashboard.

For a complete clean-up of the dashboard, you can also make use of the ‘Archive/Delete/Download all’ button. Once the containers are deleted from the dashboard, there is no recovery option, so the only possibility to retrieve data in the dashboard is by re-uploading the same containers. 

How can I archive (a) container(s) from my dashboard?

For a complete archiving of the dashboard, you can also make use of the ‘Archive/Delete/Download all’ button. Once the containers are archived from the dashboard, there is no recovery option, so the only possibility to retrieve data in the dashboard is by re-uploading the same containers. Note: when you re-upload containers that already reached the ‘Exit terminal’ status, you announce them already for a next container visit.

Archived information will be available for download in the ‘Report (CALISTA)’ tab. After clicking the report menu button, you will get the report list overview containing a report name ‘Archived Records (Next mode)’. When left-mouse clicking the exclamation mark (!), the view button will appear and your archived dataset will appear by confirming the parameter screen to download. Please note that archived data will only be stored for 60 calendar days.

Will my dashboard be automatically cleaned-up?

Yes, 60 calendar days after the container left the terminal and reached the status ‘Exit terminal’, your records will be automatically deleted. If you would like to archive your CALISTA P!NG+ uploads, please make sure to archive them before reaching this clean-up deadline.

CALISTA P!NG+ statuses

What does it mean when my container' status indicates ‘Announced’?

When uploading a container and receiving the indication ‘Announced’ in the Status column, it means that your container is correctly uploaded but not yet linked to an incoming container visit in our terminal operating system. It denotes the container is announced by a 3rd party but not yet linked to an incoming vessel and expected discharge movement.

What does it mean when my container' status indicates ‘On vessel’?

When uploading a container and receiving the indication ‘On vessel’ in the Status column, it means that your container is correctly uploaded and linked to an incoming container visit in our terminal systems. When reaching the status ‘On vessel’, the column ‘Estimated Time of Discharge (EToD)’ will also return a time indication of when the container is expected to land on the terminal. This time indication goes in 3 stages: when the vessel is not yet planned you will receive the expected time of departure of the vessel – when the vessel is planned and the time of discharge is expected to be in an earlier shift you will get on update of this timing. The estimated time of discharge will denote the end of the shift during which the container will be discharged (so date/timestamp with shift time indication ending at 6:00, 14:00 or 22:00). When the container is effectively discharged, the timestamp will be updated with the actual time of discharge and the status of this container will change to ‘On yard’.

What does it mean when my container' status indicates ‘On yard’?

The indication ‘On yard’ in the Status column means that your container is physically present on the terminal and awaiting pick-up from the yard. The actual time of vessel discharge is reflected in the column ‘Estimated Time of Discharge (EToD)’.

What does it mean when my container' status indicates ‘Exit terminal’?

The indication ‘Exit Terminal’ in the Status column means that your container left the terminal and consequently the green lights are blanked out. When reaching this status, the column ‘Gate out’ is also updated with the exact time of departure of the container from the terminal. By having both the actual gate/in and actual gate/out date/timestamp, you are able to assess the time your container stayed on the terminal (import dwell time).

What does it mean when my container' status indicates ‘No right’?

When uploading a container and receiving the indication ‘No right’ in the Status column, it means that your container is correctly uploaded but that the container information reached us after the moment of discharge.

Estimated Time of Discharge (EToD)

What is the EToD?

When your container reaches the status ‘On vessel’, the CALISTA P!NG+ functionality will return a time indication of when the container is expected to land on the terminal. This time indication goes in 3 stages: when the vessel is not yet planned you will receive the expected time of departure of the vessel – when the vessel is planned and the time of discharge is expected to be in an earlier shift, you will get on update of this timing. The estimated time of discharge will denote the end of the shift during which the container will be discharged (so date/timestamp with shift time indication ending at 6:00, 14:00 or 22:00). When the container is effectively discharged, the timestamp will be updated with the actual time of discharge and the status of this container will change to ‘On yard’.

How far ahead of time will the EToD be available for a container?

In order to get the container to reach the ‘On vessel’ status, we need to be able to trace the container number in a discharge list announced by the shipping line in our terminal operating system. As soon as we can make this match, the information will be made available. Please note that the availability of this information will vary in function of the respective shipping line procedures (to provide us with the discharge information as well as the position of the port of Antwerp in the port rotation scheme combined with the sailing time from the previous port of call).

Green Lights

What does the column ‘Overall’ mean?

The column ‘Overall’ is part of the Green Light check and indicates at the highest level whether your container is available for pick-up from the terminal. ‘Green’ indicates that all lights are ‘ok’ and the container can be picked up from the terminal (in exchange for the correct pin code). ‘Red’ indicates that at least one of the individual lights is ‘not ok’ and as such this container cannot be picked up yet. The reason for this can be detected by analysing the individual lights of the specific container.

What does the column ‘On yard/Terminal’ mean?

The column ‘On yard/Terminal’ is one of the individual lights of the Green Light check and informs you whether or not the container is discharged on the terminal/yard. ‘Green’ indicates that the container has been discharged and is physically present on the yard – the status of the container indicates ‘On Yard’. ‘Red’ indicates that the container has not been discharged yet – the status of the container indicates ‘On vessel’.

What does the column ‘Commercial Release’ mean?

The column ‘Commercial Release’ is one of the individual lights of the Green Light check and informs you whether or not the container is commercially released by the shipping line. ‘Green’ indicates that we received a commercial release in our terminal operating system. ‘Red’ indicates that the container is not yet or not anymore released by the shipping line. Please note that this system does not provide a pin code check – this is included in the administrative flow of your transport operator to pick-up the container from our terminals.

What does the column ‘Customs Release’ mean?

The column ‘Customs Release’ is one of the individual lights of the Green Light check and informs you whether or not the container is released by Belgian customs. ‘Green’ indicates that we received a Customs Container Release Message (CCRM) in our terminal operating system. ‘Red’ indicates that the container is not yet or not anymore released by Belgian customs.

What does the column ‘Not blocked on Terminal’ mean?

The column ‘Not blocked on Terminal’ is one of the individual lights of the Green Light check and informs you whether or not the container is blocked on terminal (e.g. for inspection, scanning, verification, etc.). ‘Green’ indicates that there is no blocking on your container. ‘Red’ indicates that there is a blocking on your container.